Excited to welcome Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Surabaya, Indonesia, along with the support of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Wyeth Water, and Kamstrup to Cubiq! 💧 PDAM, responsible for serving 606,418 accounts in Surabaya, recorded a 31.06% NRW in 2022. Cubiq, alongside our technology partner Kamstrup, has outlined the hurdles utilities encounter in transitioning to smart water systems and highlighted the advantages of USM. We are honored to explore on this smart water journey together and look forward to future collaboration with PDAM. 💙🌍 #Cubiq #PDAMSurabaya #IFC #WyethWater #Kamstrup #Collaboration #Innovation #Smartwatermanagement #NRW #NonRevenueWater